14 julio 2004


Corri, floté, salí...
Llegué deonde tenia que llegar
con un ojos adentro y uno afuera.
Los labios sellados,
sentada en una esquina observando
en las direcciones de mis ojos.
De lo pequeño a lo grande en silencio,
siempre en la esquina...
Esa tendencia mía a ser el narrador omnipresente.
Que te apetece?
Fresa? Chocolate? Leche? Pescado?
Que te apetece?
Debes decirmelo para poder alimentarte.
ALgo te apetece?...
O quieres estar alli, sentada en esa esquina,
mirando para adentro y para afuera,
con los labios sellados como lo han estado
desde el comienzo mismo de tu viaje?
Que te apetece?
Dime de una vez que ya no hay tiempo!
No te apetece un brazo o una pierna?
una pequeña y suave, una muy grande y fuerte.
Te apetece?

No se si me apetece. Puedo probarlo todo?
Quizás me abra el apetito.

08 julio 2004


Empty words...from the empty head.
Trying to fill the void in her heart.
The void is gonna kill her if she is not able to fool him.
She closes her eyes, her ears, her mouth and takes off the top of her head
and gets a lot of dust, rocks, jelly, rice, tea and a couple of beers
and puts it on her open head.
The mix is also going to kill her, but she doesn't know.

04 julio 2004


Hidden behind the big walls of the blinding ignorance lies the gate.
Those whom will walk trough it shall find the joy and the wisdom of the essence of life.
I know...I can show you the way if you let me lead you.
Just close your eyes and trust me.
I'll walk you there, without any pain or scar.


* Take your eyes off to see me with my own eyes.

* Save your thoughts and words on me, for me.

* Be just 1 real person, not 3 real persons,
depends on who you hang out with.

* Don't keep secrets, cause I'd had none.

* Believe a little more in me.

* Wait until you get to know me before
thinking you know me.

* Don't try to see yourself on the wrong mirror.

* Try not to think for someone else,
people can maybe think by themselves.

* Try to actually listen inside, not outside.

* Don't be shallow.

* Fall in Love.

* Keep your actions from fucking
the rest of people's lifes.

* Be Good.

* Realize the Truth.

* Open your eyes.

* Close your Mouth.

* Understand.

or just don't be you anymore.